At Gravity Impel, we try to track the work place, work culture, work problems from broader perspective of the organization as well as more centered perspective such as those of a specific dept as well as at an individual level of each and every co-worker in the organization and their individual issues and viewpoints. We help you put into practice the policy of listening with neutrality and solving problems with facts, not fancy. WWWCAR is our tool for listening and gathering facts. Our continuous assessment and reports cultivate a steady stream of innovation in our human relations and continuously build the intellectual capital on which you can base your HR solutions.

In addition to GI's proprietary research questions, we continuously try to accommodate every client company's specific questions from time to time that reflect their company specific issues or mechanics at play in a certain department , city, time or level. Answers to questions help us evaluate a pattern as also identify major concerns / feedback (sometimes they're in so minority to fail to reveal any pattern and would be missed if we adopted the typical measurement index used in employee engagement research of most research companies). After all the most valuable insights and feedback are usually few and far apart to be missed by the index.

Whenever a resolution is introduced, it is imperative to take another round of feedback on it to provide a comprehensive view of the effectiveness of the solution. Policy changes, management decisions, workplace changes and their effectiveness and ineffectiveness can be easily tracked and analyzed to judge which components drive strongest effect and which look just good on paper.

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